Meet Holly

HHolly Hashimi founded non-profit organisation, HeartSpark, in Fort McMurray, Canada in 2023 when she realised there was a need for free friendship and mental health programming for girls in the community. Holly has a background in journalism, the education sector and community service.
Currently, Holly is expanding her expertise in youth support and mental health. She is pursuing certification as a Youth Mentor while working for a free English program at Keyano College as well as serving as a crisis support worker for a suicide hotline.
She loves her dog, Mrs. Pudding (as do all of our HeartSparkers!) and has a dream of opening a HeartSpark Clubhouse.
A prolific volunteer, Holly has been giving back to her community since 2015, starting with joining the Pets and Wellness Society to participate in pet therapy with her dogs. She has also volunteered for the Fort McMurray SPCA, Girls Inc., Big Brothers Big Sisters, and Victim Services demonstrating her commitment to making a positive impact in her community.
Holly has invested countless hours in the creation of HeartSpark and its non-profit, as well as facilitating all programming. Her part-time work for 988 Canada's Suicide Helpline provides funding for HeartSpark programming.
In 2023, Holly received the Sana Elache Legacy Award for Community Engagement and, more recently, the 2024 Heart of Wood Buffalo Volunteer Recognition Award.